University of Alabama Online Degrees

University of Alabama Online DegreesA University of Alabama online degree is a collegiate academic degree that is earned, completely or for the most part, through the use of an Internet-enabled device or computer, instead of attending the traditional Tuscaloosa, Alabama campus. Improvements in technology and the need for flexible scheduling, to not interrupt working student’s schedules, has led to a major expansion of online degree programs at the University of Alabama that award bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees.

There are many advantages of choosing a University of Alabama online degree program including:

  • Taking accredited distance courses online in the comfort of your home.
  • Students with prior job experience enrolled in University of Alabama online degree programs may qualify for college credits.
  • A majority of students may qualify for financial aid that helps to defray the costs of online tuition.
  • Programming utilizing personal delivery formats that work best for the student.
  • Attending class during times that are cooperative with the student’s schedule.
  • Offering a balance between family, work, and school.
  • An online degree from the University of Alabama is virtually identical to a degree earned from a traditional classroom setting.

The University of Alabama Online Degree program is a convenient, affordable and practical choice for online learning. Bama by Distance offers over 60 Master’s and Specialist degrees, as well as bachelor’s degrees in business administration, criminal justice, interdisciplinary studies, nursing, and consumer sciences.

At the University of Alabama, college courses are delivered over the Internet to the student’s computer. Students are instructed through a secure Internet website, and the students interact with professors online through the University’s website. Every student must complete all lessons online and submit work independently through Blackboard or email. Some of the formats used in conjunction with University of Alabama online degrees include New College Life Track, Video Streaming, Intercampus Interactive Telecommunication System, Videoconferencing, Weekend College, Gadsden Research Center, Evening Program and Blended Format.

To learn more about University of Alabama online degree programs, prospective distance learners can attend an online information session sponsored by Bama by Distance. You only need acces to an Internet enabled device. These interactive sessions gives prospective students the chance to chat with advisors, counselors and professors who can answer questions about the online degree programs offered at the University of Alabama.

Visit Bama by Distance to learn more about online degree programs offered at the University of Alabama.

As an incentive for prospective students, if you meet the requirements to be enrolled in the Back to Bama online degree program, you’ll receive your first class free of charge from the University of Alabama.

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